Information Technology: Boon or Bane? ------------------------------------- IT is seriously awesome, better than books doing backflips. It's tons and tons of information, right under your fingertips. With a computer and an Internet connection, you are ready to go. Available is everything you are possibly, every going to want to know! You can use Wikipedia to check, the height of the Eiffel Tower. Or check out Instructables for how to make, A smartphone-controlled car. AllRecipes can tell you how, to make amazing dishes. WikiHow teaches everything, being social or catching fishes! YouTube shows the hottest videos, that have been setting the trend. But if you still can't find what you are looking for, Google is your best friend. Of course, every coin has a flip side, The 'Net has trolls and stuff. People who'll start a debate on the Internet, if you happen to say something too rough. Just don't pay money to the "Nigerian prince", or fall for the "free iPhone" scam. Or you might end up with a virus that that, can watch you through your webcam. That said, it's still a minority, the Net's still good for you, Long as you have a sense of good or bad, and if you stick to the tried and true. Of course, there's more to IT, than decent Internet. there's a lot of stuff left to discover, so don't you begin to fret! You can join a large corporation, work for their tech support. or with an Arduino, some parts and an electric cell, make your own robot. Learn to program in any language, Assembly or C++. As long as you don't mind learning, seeing new stuff you don't fuss. Build your own computer, install Windows on it, modify it to look like a Mac, or however you may see fit. If used properly, IT will, easily get you far, Always remember that responsibility, tags along with such a power.